Institute for Competence in AutoMobility (IKAM)
Welcome to the website of the Institute for Competence in AutoMobility (IKAM) of the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg (OVGU).
Funded by the State of Saxony-Anhalt, the IKAM was founded on 21st March 2012 at the OVGU with the aim to provide state-of-the-art equipment for research and development, with which scientists and industrial companies with their ideas, developments and innovations can shape the automotive and mobility sector in the 21st Century decisively. As a cross-faculty platform for the implementation of research and development projects in the field of mobility, IKAM is firmly integrated into the research and transfer center "Automotive" of the OVGU and acts as an interface between the OVGU and external partners within the framework of scientific cooperation and research and development services.
The technology fields of IKAM include drive technology, electromobility, lightweight construction as well as measuring and testing technology. IKAM is based at the university campus in Magdeburg and at the industrial and business incubator (IGZ) in Barleben near Magdeburg and works very closely with IKAM GmbH, a partner company of the OVGU.